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LPs(Liquidity Providers) can earn rewards for facilitating trades on Dexter. A part of the swap fees is distributed to LPs as a reward. In addition, teams and projects can incentivize LPs with additional incentives for maintaining liquidity for their tokens.
Liquidity providers need to bond their LP tokens for a period of 7 days to be eligible for liquidity mining rewards. LPs would still earn rewards from trading fees on unbonded tokens,
Provide Liquidity -> Mint LP Tokens -> Bond LP Tokens.
Checkout the guide for providing liquidity and bonding/unbonding tokens here
During unbonding, LP shares are not eligible for external incentives, but would still receive the rewards from trading fees.
Liquidity mining rewards on Dexter can be claimed in real time, unlike on an epoch basis in most DEXs
Multistaking on Dexter allows teams and projects to incentivize liquidity in pools with multiple tokens.